Top 12 Safe Herbs During Pregnancy & Their Benefits

Pregnancy & Postpartum
Mar 5, 2024

Struggling with pregnancy symptoms such as nausea and anxiety? We’ve got you! Helping you combat pesky pregnancy discomforts, we’ve compiled a list of safe herbs to improve your general well-being when expecting. Here’s what you need to know. 

Herbs for nausea

While pregnancy in films often depict expectant women as glowing, joyful and radiant, real mamas will know that this couldn’t be further from the truth. While some women experience unicorn pregnancies with little to no symptoms, others are left with issues such as nausea, fatigue, headaches and more. And when morning sickness hits, we’ll do just about anything for a bit of relief. 

The good news is that various herbs help with nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. These include:  

  • Ginger
  • Peppermint
  • Chamomile
  • Liquorice Root
  • Fennel
  • Shatavari

With nausea affecting up to 80% of pregnant women, we recommend the above herbal teas to help keep your morning sickness at bay. 

Herbs to induce lactation

If you’re trying to increase your milk supply, you’ll be pleased to hear that some herbs have the ability to induce lactation. Some popular herbs for increasing milk supply include: 

  • Fenugreek
  • Thistle
  • Fennel

Helping to increase insulin and oxytocin levels (key components of milk production), herbs such as Fenugreek can be a helpful addition to your breastfeeding journey. Just make sure to avoid it during pregnancy as it has been linked to increased risks of birth defects when taken in large amounts. 

To enjoy a combination of powerful herbs for breastfeeding without the headache, take a look at our Breastmilk Glo Tea - a delicious blend concocted specifically for women looking to boost milk quality and quantity. 

Herbs for anxiety during pregnancy

Many women struggle with anxiety during pregnancy. From worries about the health of your baby to fears about becoming a new parent, heightened anxiety is one of those pregnancy symptoms that can cloud what’s meant to be an otherwise exciting journey. 

To help manage anxiety symptoms, we recommend getting your daily intake of the following herbs: 

  • Lemon balm
  • Rooibos
  • Chamomile 

To help keep those racing thoughts at bay, we’ve created various natural herbal tea blends to help you relax and get some much-needed rest. 

Safe herbs during pregnancy

From increasing milk production to combating anxiety, certain organic herbs can help treat and manage pregnancy symptoms. To get your tasty blend of transformative herbs during pregnancy, check out our wide selection of pregnancy teas designed specifically for mamas to be.