Raspberry Leaf Tea For Postpartum: Recovery & Benefits

Pregnancy & Postpartum
Aug 28, 2024

Chances are you’ve heard that Raspberry leaf tea brings on labour. But have you ever thought about its benefits postpartum? 

With the ability to help pull your uterus back into place after childbirth, Raspberry leaf tea has many benefits for mamas entering their fourth trimester. 

But how exactly does a delicious cup of Raspberry leaf tea make life easier postpartum? Here’s what you need to know. 

Raspberry Leaf Tea Postpartum

Just when you think you’ve gotten over the pain of childbirth, you’re hit with pain and cramping in the first couple of days that follow. What gives? 

Like clockwork, your womb starts contracting and going back to its normal size after giving birth. This is usually felt in your lower abdomen and can range from being slightly uncomfortable to incredibly painful.

While this is a natural process that your body initiates, Raspberry leaf tea can help speed things along to get you back to feeling like yourself again - well, as close as you can get following childbirth. 

A powerful tonic for supporting your postpartum healing journey; Raspberry leaf tea can also help prevent excess bleeding.

post partum drinking tea with baby


Breastfeeding and Raspberry Leaf Tea

Nursing mothers need roughly 16 cups of water daily to compensate for the water utilised for milk production. And what better way to get your fluids in than with organic restorative tea that carries a wide host of benefits!

In fact, women have long been drinking Raspberry leaf tea to help their milk come in. While many believe that this powerful cuppa helps boost milk supply, it’s important to note that the evidence is anecdotal. That being said, it can’t hurt!

While Raspberry leaf tea is generally considered safe when breastfeeding, we recommend consulting a medical professional for further information and guidance. 

Postpartum Benefits of Raspberry Leaf Tea

Like many organic teas, Raspberry Leaf Tea is packed with lots of goodness. Here are just some of the many benefits of sipping on this tasty beverage. 


  • Packed With Antioxidants: Containing antioxidants called anthocyanins, Raspberry leaf tea helps the body fight off free radicals. 
  • Helps With Digestion: Taken for centuries to alleviate digestive issues, Raspberry Leaf Tea has a slight diuretic effect, helping move things along internally. 
  • Combats Inflammation: Helping to relax your muscles, Raspberry leaf tea helps alleviate inflammatory conditions thanks to its high levels of prostaglandins. 
  • Assists Uterine Contractions: A revered tea to shrink uterus after birth recovery, Raspberry leaf tea can help speed along the often painful process of cramping after childbirth.  

    Raspberry Leaf Tea For Postpartum

    If you’re looking for a nutritious and tasty beverage to indulge in postpartum, give Raspberry leaf tea a try. Helping your uterus contract after childbirth, this transformative tonic can help speed along painful cramping and bleeding while combating inflammation at the same time. As delicious as it is beneficial, Raspberry leaf tea is an absolute must for your fourth trimester.