Your ovulation, explained


Mar 31, 2023
hands holding a tea

What is ovulation?

Ovulation, often shrouded in mystery, is a pivotal player in the world of reproduction. In this enlightening exploration of ovulation, we'll delve into its significance and unravel its secrets. Imagine it as the starting pistol in the race to conception, the conductor orchestrating your monthly hormonal symphony, and the treasure map guiding you on your journey to parenthood. We'll demystify the signs of ovulation, pinpoint when it happens in your menstrual cycle, and discuss why it's a key indicator of your overall reproductive health. Get ready to embark on this fascinating journey through the world of ovulation!

Here are some reasons why ovulation is so darn important:

It's important for Pregnancy:
When an egg is released from the ovary and meets up with some sperm, the magic of baby-making can begin. Without ovulation, no dice. 

It's part of your Menstrual cycle:
Ovulation is a necessary step in the menstrual cycle. Regular ovulation is a sign of good reproductive health, and changes in ovulation patterns can be a red flag that something needs to be checked out.

It's crucial for Fertility:
If you're trying to conceive, knowing when you ovulate can give you the best chance of success.

It impacts your hormonal balance:
Ovulation is like a complicated dance between hormones, and any irregularities can signal other health issues.

fertility tea for her for ovulation

Signs of ovulation?

Ovulation symptoms you may experience:

Cervical mucus may transform into a thinner, clearer, and more slippery consistency, making it easier for sperm to swim upstream. Some say it looks like stretchy egg white.

Basal body temperature can rise slightly post-ovulation and stay elevated until your next period.

You might experience a bit of ovulation pain, twinging or cramping, making you feel like your ovaries are having a dance party.

Sex drive may surge thanks to a sudden increase in sex hormones.

Boobs may feel a little extra sensitive.

When does ovulation occur?

If you have a regular cycle of 28 days, ovulation typically occurs around day 14. But if your cycle is longer or shorter, you'll need to count back 14 days from the first day of your period to get an estimate of your ovulation day. Simple math, folks!

A stable, predictable, and consistent ovulation cycle is recommended, especially if you're trying to conceive. So, if your cycle is stable, ovulation should occur on the same day each month. But don't worry if there's a one or two-day difference - it's perfectly normal.

However, if there's a more significant change in your ovulation cycle between each period, it might be worth investigating. No harm in being thorough, right?

Many lifestyle changes can help support a stable cycle, but if you're looking for an extra boost without the added hassle, try our Fertility Tea for Her. With powerful hormone-regulating herbs, this fertility tea is like a daily supplement for your conception journey without the added stress. And if you’re thinking “can you drink fertility tea during ovulation?” the answer is a resounding yes! 

Is ovulation pain 'normal'?

Some women may experience a twinge, tingle our an outright momentary stabbing sensation in their lower abdomen during ovulation, which is totally normal and can last for a few seconds to a few hours.

But why does this happen? Well, when the follicle releases an egg during ovulation, a bit of fluid is also released into the abdominal cavity, which can cause some irritation. Sometimes, this process may also result in spotting for a day or two. If the follicle rupture damages small vessels, heavy bleeding may occur.

If you experience persistent or worsening pain, or heavy bleeding, it's always a good idea to consult with a doctor.

How many days am I 'fertile' around ovulation?

Sperm can hang out in a woman's body for up to 5 days, just waiting for their chance to fertilise an egg. So, even if you got busy a few days before ovulation, you could still end up pregnant. And to add to the excitement, ovulation can be a bit unpredictable, shifting by a few days here and there. But fear not, dear hopeful parents-to-be, this variability can actually work in your favour, giving you a wider window of fertility to play with.

Best way to know is to keep track of your cycle with little notes (like the example below) - no need to go overboard - spreadsheets of mucus isn't really sexy. Still need to keep a bit of that necessary romance alive remember?

fertile ovulation symptoms notes

What is my 'fertile window'?

If you're trying to conceive, it's essential to know your fertile window - the time during your menstrual cycle when you have the best chance of getting pregnant.

The fertile window typically spans about 6 days, including the day of ovulation and the five days leading up to it. However, since ovulation can vary from cycle to cycle, it's crucial to track your menstrual cycle and other signs of ovulation for an accurate prediction.

As a rule of thumb, if you know your menstrual cycle length, count back 14 days from the first day of your period to get an idea of your ovulation day. For example,  if your menstrual cycle is 26 days long and regular, ovulation will occur around day 12 (26-14 = 12), making your fertile window from day 7 to day 12. But if your cycle is longer or shorter, your fertile window will differ.

Remember, sperm can survive for up to five days in the female body, so having sex in the days leading up to ovulation can increase your chances of conception. So, get tracking and get busy!

If you want to get specific, we love this ovulation calculator by Your Fertility.  

ovulation tracker 26 and 28 day cycle

ovulation tracker day 30 and day 35 cycle

Ovulation explained

While ovulation may seem like an intimidating subject to broach, it’s not as stressful as we’re led to believe. The more you understand about ovulation and your body, the more equipped you’ll be to tackle your fertility journey. So grab yourself a cuppa of Fertility Tea, cosy up on the sofa and check out the ovulation calculator for further information. It can be helpful to keep track of your cycle while noting down new symptoms to find out telltale signs that you’re ovulating moving forward.