Magnesium and Fertility: Benefits and Best Types for Conception

Conception Tips
Jul 19, 2024

Everybody’s talking about Magnesium, and for good reason. From helping you drift off into the land of nod to supporting your fertility journey, Magnesium is a powerful mineral for women trying to conceive. 

But why exactly is Magnesium beneficial and how much are you meant to take? 

Which Magnesium is best for fertility?

Whether you find yourself craving chocolate during the second half of your cycle or are stressed out and coping with sugar and caffeine, chances are you could need Magnesium. 

Magnesium helps boost both your health and your fertility by supporting chemical reactions in your body and converting the food you eat into cellular energy. And as so many people find themselves eating diets packed with grains and processed foods, the Magnesium that we so desperately need is lost after being processed. 

Not only that, but going without this essential mineral could also harm your fertility. That’s why it’s crucial to ensure that you’re sourcing healthy ways of getting this goodness into your system. 

Various types of Magnesium are available, including Magnesium citrate, Magnesium glycinate, Magnesium sulfate and more - but which is best for fertility? 

Experts generally recommend sticking with Magnesium citrate or Magnesium glycinate when trying to conceive. This form of Magnesium is gentle and may help regulate conception-related hormones. 

lady drinking tea on couch

Does Magnesium help with fertility?

Magnesium is often tooted as a fertility wonder supplement. Here are just some of the many benefits of Magnesium during fertility: 

Helps with sleep

Getting enough sleep is one of the most critical lifestyle components to consider during conception. And if you’re finding yourself lying awake at night from stress and anxiety, this relaxing mineral could help put your mind at ease allowing you to get a restful night of sleep. 

Balances progesterone and estrogen

Magnesium controls follicle-stimulating hormones, helping keep your progesterone and estrogen levels in check. As low progesterone levels can result in a shorter luteal phase and an increased risk of miscarriage, it’s crucial to ensure that you’re getting enough Magnesium to keep your body and mind healthy for conception. 

Decreases inflammation

Magnesium is also great for women undergoing IVF. As it helps lowers inflammation in the body, this can help increase the chances of implantation. Having a diet that’s rich in Magnesium can improve your chances of having a successful embryo transfer. 

It’s good for the guys too!

Boosting your chances of conception isn’t a one-sided deal. Your partner needs to ensure they’re doing their bit to keep their bodies happy and healthy to improve fertility. And the great news about Magnesium is that it’s just as helpful for men! Helping enhance enzymatic functions in males, Magnesium helps boost fertility for both women and men. 

Too much Magnesium fertility

Like all good things in life, Magnesium should be enjoyed in moderation.  If you end up taking too much, you risk Magnesium toxicity. This can result in vomiting, facial flushing, nausea and more. 

It’s generally recommended that women should have 320 mg of Magnesium per day. While it can be tempting to overdo it, ensure you only ingest the recommended intake to keep you safe and healthy. 

Healthy sources of Magnesium

There are various ways to ensure that you hit your recommended daily intake of Magnesium. From food to supplements to tea, there’s no shortage of healthy ways to raise your Magnesium levels. 

Here are some foods that are high in Magnesium: 

  • Spinach
  • Quinoa
  • Almonds
  • Edamame
  • Avocado
  • Natural Yogurt

You can also cosy up with a delicious cuppa with all the Magnesium goodness. From Morning Glo to Raspberry Leaf Tea, our teas are rich in nutrients such as Magnesium, potassium and calcium. 

Magnesium and fertility

One of the easiest ways to improve your fertility journey is by ensuring that you get the recommended intake of Magnesium each day. From regulating your hormones to helping you get a good night’s rest, this powerful mineral is as powerful as it is restorative for women trying to conceive. And you can even get yours with a delicious cuppa on the couch!