Herbs to Avoid During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Pregnancy & Postpartum
May 6, 2024

Getting your daily intake of natural herbs and vitamins is an absolute must during pregnancy. But while herbs are natural, not all of them are safe to ingest when you’ve got a bun in the oven. With the ability to cause birth defects or even miscarriage, there are certain herbs you should avoid when trying to get pregnant. 

List of Herbs to Avoid During Pregnancy

But with so many herbs out there, it can be a minefield trying to navigate which ones are safe during pregnancy. But fear not - we’ve compiled a list of notable herbs to avoid while expecting. 


While adding a bit of rosemary to a loaf of focaccia isn’t a risk to you or your baby, ingesting a large dose of it can stimulate uterine and menstrual flow, thus increasing the risk of miscarriage. 

Saw Palmetto

While Saw Palmetto has a wide variety of benefits for the body, including decreased inflammation, improved urinary tract function and decreased hair loss, it’s recommended to avoid this herb if you’re pregnant or nursing. Saw Palmetto acts like a hormone and could be dangerous for expectant mothers. Aside from potentially throwing your hormones out of whack, Saw Palmetto may be linked to birth defects such as the development of male genitalia. 


Despite being a popular topical treatment for sunburns, swelling and itchy skin, it’s recommended to steer well clear of this powerful herb during pregnancy. That’s because ingesting aloe may cause uterine contractions which could then in turn trigger miscarriage. Given its laxative nature, pregnant women should find alternatives for relieving issues such as constipation for maternal and fetal development. 


Already known as a controversial herb among herbalists, some people use Sassafras to reduce inflammation or to help with constipation. But pregnant women should stay well away from this powerful herb given its ability to cause a miscarriage. Regardless of the safrole content found in Sassafras, it could potentially stimulate menstrual flow or even potentially cause cancer. 


While kissing under a Mistletoe can make for a romantic and nostalgic gesture during the holiday season, we recommend avoiding it if you’re expecting. Already containing toxic leaves, stems and berries, Mistletoe has been known to cause miscarriage in pregnant women. 

Black Cohosh

A popular herb for women suffering from menopausal symptoms, Black Cohosh is often taken for menstrual irregularities, coughs, inflammation and more. But while this herb may be recommended for women experiencing menopause, pregnant women are advised to stay away. Black Cohosh may cause cramping, bleeding and stimulation in the uterus - all of which are no no’s during pregnancy. 

Herbs that can prevent pregnancy

The saying holds true - “you are what you eat”. Especially when you’re trying to conceive. Popular herbs to avoid while trying to conceive include St. John’s Wort, Goldenseal, Pennyroyal and Ginko. From preventing fetal development to potentially decreasing fertility, it’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid these herbs when trying to get pregnant. 

Herbs safe for pregnancy

pregnant woman drinking a mug of tea

Not all herbs are created equally. While you may have to avoid some herbs while you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, the good news is that there are safe alternatives out there to promote healthy fetal development. These include herbs such as basil, sage, fennel, mint, nettle, lavender, ginger, parsley and more. If you’re not sure whether or not your favourite herbal tea is safe during pregnancy, consult a medical professional for guidance. 

While you may have to wave goodbye to some of your favourite herbs during pregnancy, you can still enjoy a wide variety of tasty and transformative herbs when expecting. From our Fertility Tea for Her blend when trying to conceive to our Relaxation blend to promote healthy pregnancies, we’ve made sourcing safe herbal teas easier than ever before thanks to our blends crafted specifically for TTC, pregnant and postpartum women. Browse our wide selection of natural herbal teas to find out more.