Chamomile Tea in Pregnancy: Safe or Stimulant?

Pregnancy & Postpartum
Jan 19, 2024

Sipping on a delicious cup of chamomile tea is a wonderful way to wind down ahead of bedtime. But when you’ve got a bun in the oven, you may be wondering whether or not chamomile is safe during pregnancy. While certain herbal teas can help fuel a healthy pregnancy journey, it’s important to be mindful that not all herbs are created equally, especially when it comes to maternal and fetal health. 

So what’s the verdict? Is chamomile tea safe for pregnant women? 

Is chamomile tea safe during pregnancy?

Used for thousands of years around the world to help calm anxiety and soothe upset stomachs, chamomile is a powerful herb that has a wide host of benefits. From tackling feelings of anxiety to regulating blood sugar levels, this popular herbal tea is as delicious as it is transformative. 

But like with many things that need to be reviewed while pregnant, just because it’s safe for adults doesn’t mean it’s safe for fetal development. So should you be sipping on this tasty brew with a bun in the oven? 

Generally speaking, it’s okay to have chamomile tea during pregnancy but don't overdo it! That is, try keep it to 1 or 2 cups of tea per day max. That’s because excessive amounts in a concentrated form has been linked to pregnancy loss, preterm labour and circulation problems in babies. Although tea isn't a 'concentrated form' it's always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to you and your baby's health.  

If you're unsure we recommend speaking with your medical professional to confirm whether or not it’s a safe option for you. While some women happily enjoy moderate amounts of chamomile tea during their pregnancy journey, others choose to avoid it due to potential adverse perinatal outcomes

As always, it’s crucial to source your herbal teas from a reputable supplier to ensure you’re only ingesting high-quality, organic ingredients. 

Can chamomile tea induce labour?

While there isn’t a huge amount of research surrounding chamomile and its effect on labour, some studies have found that drinking chamomile tea during the later stages of pregnancy can induce labour

As chamomile has properties that stimulate uterine contractions, ingesting too much of it can lead to preterm delivery and low birth weight. 

Chamomile tea benefits

If you’re going to enjoy chamomile in moderation while you're pregnant, you’ll be pleased to hear that you can enjoy its many benefits including: 

  • Regulated blood sugar levels
  • Reduced inflammation and oxidative stress
  • Improved sleep and relaxation
  • Improved heart health
  • Improved immune system 

Chamomile tea really is the gift that keeps on giving - especially for bleary-eyed mums who haven’t slept in years. 

Chamomile tea in pregnancy

While chamomile tea offers women countless health benefits, it’s important to discuss whether or not it’s right for your pregnancy with a trusted medical professional. Typically, most professionals say it is safe to have chamomile tea in moderation while pregnant so a bed time cuppa should be fine but as with all things when eating or drinking for two...don't overdo it!